Qu'est-ce que le réalisation sinon un désir plus profond de réinterpréter le monde qui nous
entoure? Un film par définition est fait de manipulation, de ré-imagerie du temps et de l'espace
entrelacés avec une envie de créer un récit parallèle qui parle parfois pour, mais souvent contre
le 《statu quo》.
Notre festival du film incarne cet esprit de réalisation, l'effort continu pour repousser les limites
de la norme acceptée et la lutte interminable pour faire évoluer le médium. An cœur de notre
festival du film réside la ferme conviction de démocratiser l'art.
C'est cette croyance en la structure décentralisée de l'art et sa diffusion qui s'est matérialisée
sous la forme de ce festival du film.
Nous nous efforçons de fournir une plate-forme pour ceux qui pensent 'au-delà de la courbe'.
'La Courbe' représente les limites que les cinéastes sont liés en raison de l'exploitation
commerciale de l'art appelé cinéma. Nous choisissons de présenter une plate-forme où les films
ne sont pas des moyens de narratìon commerciale mais des armes de changement et un appel
à l'action.
Si vous pensez que vous correspondez au portfolio mentionné ci-dessus et que vous souhaitez
créer des films pour l'art et seulement pour l'art, nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre.
Nous sélectionnons les gagnants de chaque saison en ligne. Notre événement annuel a une
projection en direct avec un public en france où nous projetons les meilleures œuvres
Nous vous offrons une alternative dans ce monde rempli de montures carrées et de confettis
consuméristes enveloppés de cupidité industrialisée. Nous vous offrons une place où vous
pouvez expérimenter et innover et être reconnu pour cela. C'est nous. Soumettez nous
aujourd'hui et faites nous savoir vous.
Nous acceptons les inscriptions dans les catégories suivantes :
Meilleur film narratif
Meilleur court-métrage
Meilleur documentaire(narratif/court)
Critique cinématographique
Meilleur réalisateur/ réalisatrice
Meilleur acteur
Meilleur actrice
Meilleur producteur/productrice
Meilleur éditeur/éditrice
Meilleur directeur de la photographie
Meilleur clip musical
Meilleur acteur de soutien
Meilleur actrice de soutien
Meilleur pilote de série web
Meilleur film de minuit(tout genre)
Meilleur récit queer(court/long métrage/documentaire)
Meilleur script court ou scénario

Meilleur script de long métrage ou scénario
Analyse experte du film
Opinion experte du scénario
Film d'une minute - films d'une durée de 60 secondes
Meilleur film d'animation
Meilleur horreur
Meilleur drame
Meilleur film étudiant
Meilleur comédie

English Translated Version -

What is filmmaking but a deeper desire to reinterpret the world around us. A film by definition is made up of manipulations, reimagining time and space intertwined with a desire to create a parallel narrative which sometimes speaks for, but often speaks against the ‘Status Quo’.

Our film festival embodies that spirit of filmmaking, the continuous effort to push the boundaries of the accepted norm and the never-ending struggle to evolve the medium. At the core of our film festival lies the firm belief in democratising art. It is that belief in the decentralised structure of art and its dissemination which materialized itself in the form of this film festival.

We strive to provide a platform for those who think ‘beyond the curve’. ‘The Curve’ represents the limitations filmmakers are bound to because of the commercial exploitation of the art called ‘cinema’. We choose to present a platform where films are not means of commercial narrative but weapons of change and a call to action.

If you think you fit the above-mentioned portfolio and want to create films for the sake of art and only for the sake of art, we welcome you to join us.

We screen the winners of every season online. Our annual event has a live screening with an audience in France where we screen the selected best works.

We offer you an alternative in this world filled with squared frames and consumerist confetti wrapped in industrialized greed. We offer you a place where you can experiment and innovate and be recognized for it. That’s us. Submit today and let us know you.

We accept entries in the following categories -

Best Narrative Feature
Best Short Film
Best Documentary (Narrative/Short)
Film Review
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Producer
Best Editor
Best Cinematographer
Best Music Video
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Web Series Pilot
Best Midnight Movie (Any Genre)
Best Queer Narrative (Short/Festure/Documentary)
Best Short Script or Screenplay
Best Feature Script or Screenplay
Expert Analysis of Film
Expert Opinion on Screenplay
One Minute Film - Films under the duration of 60 seconds
Best Animated Film
Best Horror
Best Drama
Best Student Film
Best Comedy
Best Horror
Best Trailer
Best Women's Film
Best Silent Film
Best Romance
Best Thriller
Best Sci-Fi Movie
Best Silent Film
Best Action / Adventure Film
Best Dance Film
Best VR + 360 Degree Film
Best Podcast

Here is what we offer you -

- Screening of your film before a live audience in France

- Finding an audience that resonates with the idea of film as an art and a platform from which you can get honest and constructive feedback

-The nominees and the winner will get certificates as well as laurels highlighting their achievement

-All selected films will be awarded with our official laurel

- The Best Film Winner will get a featured interview

We accept submissions exclusively via FilmFreeway. Here’s a few rules that we follow.

1. To be considered in the competition, you must enter in at least one Main Main Category. You can enter in as many categories as you want.

2. Films must have been produced after 1/1/2000

3. There are no restrictions on theme, genre or author. We consider films in any language, from anywhere in the world. If your film is not in English, make sure it has English subtitles where necessary.

4. For student fees (under 18 only), it is mandatory the student status evidence (e.g copy of student card included in the project)

5. By submitting your film, you agree that Beyond the Curve International Film Festival can use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster) for promotional purposes. A short synopsis and digital still photo is required for all scripts and all entries (except music videos) for the jury, and for our website announcements should you win.

6. Entry fees are non-refundable.

7. Each film will be watched by at least two different panels of judges. You can track the watches on Vimeo tracker if you are using Vimeo. However, we've had cases in which watches weren't recorded correctly, including for some of the films which were accepted. Please note that they are not always reliable.

8. You may submit as many entries as you like. Each entry requires its own entry fee. To submit to one or more sub-category, you need to submit your entry to at least one main category.

9. Reviews and Interviews will be published on our Festival website which you can use in your Press Kit.

10. Filmmakers must have obtained all clearances for exhibition and must certify that the work is original and no disputes regarding ownership exist with the film.

Overall Rating
  • It's been a pleasure to have our short film Par les Soirs Bleus d'Été selected at the Beyond the Curve International Film Festival. We are most grateful to be part of this important festival in Paris.

    June 2024
  • Pickleball is Life: Dill With It!

    Thank you Beyond the Curve for selecting our TV Pilot Pickleball is Life: DILL with it! into your festival and honoring us with a BEST PILOT, and BEST ACTRESS awards. Thank you for always communicating to us whenever we had a question! Was a great start to our festival season for our comedy! Carol Ann

    May 2024
  • Peter Chin

    We are over the moon in our short film 'disConnect' winning at Beyond the Curve International Film Festival and grateful to the organisers for the smooth communication. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!

    May 2024
  • Richard Tomes

    Thank you on behalf of the team Doll#195 ! Unfortunately we were not able to attend the festival, but are very pleased with the result.
    Richard Tomes (Executive producer).

    April 2024
  • This is a very enjoyable festival with great communication and promotion.

    April 2024