The Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival screens international independent Horror, Horror Comedy, Dark Drama, Dark Fantasy, Experimental Horror, Dark Science Fiction, Dark Animation films, videos, screenplays, teleplays and episodic content. This event was founded by author and retired filmmaker Mikel Fair who worked on location in the Film and Television industry from 1999-2015. In 2023, Zeami Eccles-Irwin is taking over as the director of Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival. Multiple short films are screened in a "back to back" format. The northwest USA has a great fan base for horror films as well as other dark genre content intended for a mature audience. Films that make people scream, are creepy and even those that poke fun at the Horror genre are loved by the audience. When social distancing protocols allow it, this event is a great opportunity to network with filmmakers, screenwriters, crew, actors and industry professionals.

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- Up to Five Finalists per category.
- Award Finalists are announced approximately 2 weeks after official selections (top 30%) are completed.
- Award Winners are announced on the event date.

Best Acting Performance
Best Action Film
Best Animated Film
Best Cinematography
Best Dark Drama Film
Best Dark Drama Screenplay
Best Dark Fantasy Film
Best Dark Fantasy Screenplay
Best Dark Science Fiction Screenplay
Best Dark Science Fiction Film
Best Director
Best Editing
Best Ensemble Cast
Best Experimental Film
Best Horror Comedy Screenplay
Best Horror Comedy Short Film
Best Horror Comedy Feature Film
Best Horror Comedy Series Episode
Best Horror Comedy Teleplay
Best Horror Feature Screenplay
Best Horror Feature Film
Best Horror Short Film
Best Horror Film Trailer
Best Horror Micro Film
Best Horror Series Episode
Best Horror Short Screenplay
Best Horror Teleplay
Best International Director
Best International Screenplay
Best International Film
Best Music Video
Best Oregon Film
Best Proof Of Concept
Best Suspense Film
Most Original Concept

All films are eligible, regardless if they have distribution or not. All films are eligible even if they have been accepted to other film festivals. All films and videos are eligible, regardless of when or where they were produced. Even if your film is publicly available on YouTube or Vimeo, it is still eligible for submission.

The submission fee does not include an event ticket fee if selected. Submission fees and event ticket fees are separate. There are no filmmaker passes.

The judges read and rate scripts for this specific competition only. Submitting to this film festival does not affect the ownership or copyright of your screenplay or teleplay.

Overall Rating
  • James Alva

    A great festival. So glad I could be a part of it!

    November 2023
  • Unbelievable festival. So personable and have been one of the most communicative and supportive festivals I’ve come across since I’ve been applying to festivals this summer. Thank you Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival for making my script, “CARNEVIL” a finalist for Best Horror Screenplay!!

    October 2023
  • For me, the Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival is one of the top tier festivals that should be on everyone filmmaker's & writer's list. It's a festival where you can showcase your screenplay and stand amongst your peers to get a good idea of how it is. The team at Oregon Screams believes in what they are doing and it was an honor to have my script, The SICKEN: Awakening a part of it!

    October 2023
  • Neil Warren

    I was not there, but was really impressed on the planning and communication. I was also very happy to have won an award for my film 'Mr. Poe, Memory and Nightmares'.

    October 2023
  • Thanks for selecting "Enter the Room" into your festival as a Finalist for Best Dark Drama Film. I wasn't able to attend the event in person, but was impressed by the detailed communication, the amount of effort put into the festival's website, and the interview was a nice addition. The venue also looks awesome. I had a very good experience overall and will definitely consider submitting future projects to Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival.

    October 2023