IWFFT aims to make women directors and their films visible by bringing together female directors and female film workers in the first week of March every year within the scope of 8 March International Working Women's Day.


Best International Animation Film Award

Best International Experimental Film Award

"Short Is Life" International Best Short Film Award

"Short Is Life" National Best Short Film Award

"Camera Eye" International Best Documentary Award

"Camera Eye" National Best Documentary Award

SIYAD Best Documentary Award

SIYAD Best Short Film Award

Golden Reel International Best Feature Film Award

Golden Reel National Best Feature Film Award

"Biket İlhan" Best Director Award

The festivals organizes national and international competitions in the categories of Short, Experimental, Documentary and Fiction. These categories vary every year depending on the magnitude of the films produced and the number of the participants.
The festival may combine national and international competitions or organize them separately according to the theme it has set for that year. Pre-selectors and jurors are determined by the number of the competitions and content of the films participating in the festival. The festival jurors cannot give more than one awards to the same film. Since the awards are given in order to motivate and encourage the directors to create more content jurors prioritize that the director of the film is alive while giving the awards.

To honour the women who make great effort in cinema and give them the value and recognition they deserve whe they are still alive the festival gives awards in the names of director Biket İlhan and cinema writer Sevin Okyay. Biket İlhan Best Director Award is presented to the best director selected by the jury every year and Sevin Okyay Cinema Writing Achievement Award is presented to a female cinema writer selected by the festival management.

Application dates for the 8th International Women Filmmakers Festival which will be held on the dates between 8th - 13th February 2025, are 5th April 2024 to 5th December 2024.

Fem Reel Awards at International Women Filmmakers Festival

National Competiton
Best Feature
"Biket İlhan" Best Director
Special Jury Award*
Best Short Film
Best Documentary
Short Film Special Jury Award*
SIYAD Jury's Special Award

International Competition
Best Feature Film
Special Jury Award*
Best Short Film
Best Experimental Short Film
Best Animation Film
Best Documentary
Short Film Special Jury Award *
SIYAD Jury's Special Award

*These awards are given in accordance with the request of that year's jury.

• Documentary, short, feature and animated films will be screened during the festival.
• Festival screening copies must be sent by until 15/01/2025, the latest.
• Screening schedule of the selected films is to be decided by the festival.
• Films participating in the festival cannot be withdrawn from the program after the application deadline.
• The screening copies of featured films must besent to the festival in H 264 or MOV formats, and the documentary and short films must be in H264 or MOV formats.

• If the director of the film wants their film to be shown in DCP format, they must send the DCP file before the specified deadline.

• The information forms regarding the films included in the selection of the 8th International Women Filmmakers Festival must be completely filled out and sent via email.
• The forms of all films will be processed and published in the festival catalog following the official announcement of the selected films.
• • In order to avoid mistakes in the festival catalog and website, you are kindly requested to fill in the selected fields in the form as accurately and completely as possible.
• 8th IWFF will be entitled to use a part of the film at maximum of 3 minutes for press and the media presentations after the film is officially selected to the screening program.
• There must not be any watermarks such as logo, time code, etc. over the trailer of the film in order to be used in the festival promotional film or/and television promotions.
• Director of the movie may send his or her own curriculum vitae, filmography and the photograph (at least 300 dpi) by e-mail with the application form.

1) Directors can apply and/or participate the festival with more than one film.
2) With films that have more than one director, one of the directors must be a woman
3) There’s no time limit for the participating films. Each film is included in screening program with its own category (feature, short, documentary etc.).
4) All films that have not been shown at the festival in previous years can apply for a screening program.
5) The deadline for submitting an application for screening is 5th December 2024. Directors must make an online application on https://filmfreeway.com/iwffturkey website till this date.
6) All films included in the program are watched by the selecting comitee and subjected to pre-selection. Selected films will be anounced on www.kadinyonetmenlerfestivali.com.tr website on the date of 15th January 2025.
7) It is mandatory for the films to have subtitles in English. Selected films will be screened with Turkish electronic subtitles. Screening copies of the films must have English subtitles. If it’s not possible for the films to have English subtitles then director must provide an English SRT file for the English electronic subtitles.
8) Selecting comitee consists of women directors and women cinema field workers.
9) The reasons for the films that have not been screened are explained by an online or one-on-one meeting with the director between the dates of the festival if the director(s) wishes.
10) The applied films cannot be withdrawn from the festival after the deadline, whether they fit the festival’s criteria or not.
11) The selection committee makes its decisions regarding the films that will be included in the selection, taking into account the “artistic” qualities of the films and their relevance to the content.
12) The billing information and bank account information required for copyright payments must be consistent with the information of the legal owners specified in the application form.
13) The copyright fees for the screening will be paid no later than 15th June 2025
14) Copyright and broadcast RIGHTS FEES are only paid for national selection films. No fees are paid to the international films. Due to the exchange rate differences copyright fees cannot be paid to international films.
15) The accurateness of all the information written in the application document binds the person who signed it. The legal responsibility that may arise due to this information belongs to the signatory.
16) The applicant must be able to document that they have all the authority to apply, that the necessary permits have been obtained from all relevant institutions and organizations. It undertakes that the applicant will send the film, if selected, the necessary consent for the cost of the screening and a declaration stating that they are the legal owner of the film with a signature. These documents are required for the report of the Court of Accounts of municipalities that will pay copyright fees.
17) The films are presented to the audience in the halls that the festival management will deem appropriate and within the framework of the festival program. During the screenings, the festival management or the hall authorities may not recommend and make changes to the hall or the programme.
18) If there is an application to the festival management about the airing of films on TV channels, the festival management aids in establishing a communication between the TV channel and the producer and/or director of the film.
19) The legal owner of the film is the sole party to any dispute regarding the copyright that may arise in any image, music, text or any matter used in the film.
20) All producers participating in the competition are deemed to have accepted the points contained in this regulation.

Overall Rating
  • Sara Horvatić

    Such an important and impactful festival! The selection of films were incredible. It was wonderful to be a part of the festival, with top-notch hosts and excellent communication and organization. I am proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of such a festival, and thank you for the award. :) I was impressed with the communication, marketing and overall feel. Thank you. I hope see ya soon :))

    p.s. women, you are brilliant, you can do anything!

    April 2024
  • Mersiha Husagic

    I am very happy that our film Cherry Juice made it to the 7th international Women Filmmakers Festival. My team and I, we are deeply moved that the Film won the Golden Reel Award. We feel respected and seen as Artist! This Festival honors the female vision, something I am really thankful and grateful for. Thank you and all the best

    March 2024
  • Cansu Boguslu

    Great festival experience with a great selection of films and talents ✨

    March 2024
  • Mahdi Falahati

    I'm very happy that we participated in 7th International Women Filmmakers Festival this year.
    It was really a very interesting and good experience.
    This festival is awesome!

    March 2024

    Deeply moved as a filmmaker, by the fact that our feature narrative made it to this festival, during very difficult times. For the entire crew & cast of Joon this was a very big event, wish we could have got a screening in Izmir. Fingers crossed, some day soon. Stay safe and keep supporting films you care about. Very proud of each one of you.

    April 2023