The Silent Film Festival specializes in supporting filmmaker, dancers, physical actors, musicians, and creators in creating new works and lasting collaborations.

A silent film in our festival integrates the aesthetics of dance, movement, or physical theatre with story telling, cinema and musical composition. A submission can be an abstract idea or art film, or a short film with a concrete narrative or story, ideally a new work.
Ideally the musical composition is created from what the musician or composer sees from the film. Ideally the music is from from an independent or local musician.
The musician maybe paired with the film submitter or they may chose their own musician; however it can be much more fun when you work with someone new!
The music for each submission is not played live it should included in the final video file.

The festival is shown in Fort Collins and Denver Colorado (USA), also it will stream online via a paid Vimeo link.

Since its inception in 2020 the Silent Film Festival has supported over 120 artists from across the United States. The Independent Silent Film Festival was born out the desire to create socially distant performance and cinematic art while being able to collaborate through long distances. these long distance collaboration has opened a new door for cinema, movement, and music. Its reimagined what these mediums are able to offer and has expanded the creativity in all the artists involved.


Examples of past submissions:

Each Film making team and musician receives a stipend for their submission, depending on sponsorship. Stipends usually range from $100-200 depending upon available funding.

Your submission can be a newly created work or an existing work. Preference and priority maybe given to newly created works, works that use all independent artists, and work that demonstrate a high quality of work and fall with in our terms below .

Your film must:
-Be 3-5 minutes. Consideration to short films beyond 5 minutes maybe given if the film meets the requirements below.
-must highlight or use a form of movement to drive the idea or story
-Show a high quality of work in the medium of: dance, theatre film
-Be submitted and synced with the final music track
- Final project must be submitted in a downloadable 1080 resolution .mp4 format August 5, 2024
For submissions for a project that is not yet created please submit a past work and a cover letter of your idea or intent for your final submission
-Artists and team must help us spread the word about the festival.

Overall Rating
  • anne gart

    Thank you ISFF for providing a platform for indie filmmakers and the Official Selection of my film Testing Station!

    November 2023
    Response from festival:

    Loved having work being apart of last year's festival your film was perfect for us!